John's Restaurant
2328 Pearl Street
Andrew gives John's Restaurant 5 chews out of 5.
My cousin found this restaurant on Zagat. The name is as creative as my dogs name, "Lucky," but the food is as brilliant as Einstein's butt-child with DaVinci.
This is the kind of restaurant where you look at the menu and you hate it because it's so good. So good that you can't decide on which main course you want. The waiter asked me what I wanted and I was still deciding between about 6 entrées. I got the grilled asparagus to start...and for my entrée I said I'd have the scallops, which pretty much came out of my mouth impulsively since I still wasn't set on what I actually wanted to order.
I dined on fine bread, beautifully designed butter and Pellegrino while waiting for my dish. Every time the waiters tended to my area of the table they said, "excuse my reach." I kept on thinking to myself, "I feel bad for how polite this gentleman feels he has to be." The only part about the waitstaff that I hated was that they were...well...I guess they were just too polite.
My asparagus came. I enjoyed it. It was a nice soothing combination of goat cheese and yellow beets. Oh, and of course, asparagus. This dish inspired one of the boldest asparagus scented urinations I have ever experienced, which in my opinion drastically enhanced this dish.
I got my scallops. They were big, perfectly browned on both sides, and decorated on the plate beautifully. Chorizo and lentils were wrapped and braised in a soft cabbage leaf (a bizarre looking, yet sophisticated taste to the plate). The scallops were on top of/surrounded by a reddish-orange sauce as well as a bluish-green sauce. The dish depicted an island; the chorizo-lentil-cabbage-combo represented an island surrounded by orange sand (sauce) and even further surrounded by the blue ocean (sauce). The scallops were inhabitants of the island. I was the monster from the sky who ate all the inhabitants and simultaneously destroyed the island by mixing it with the sand and ocean. One word can describe this meal in its entirety, "wow." I was wowed.
The dessert menu came, which made me angry because I was so full from devouring my island of scallop-people. I got the cheesecake anyway, because my cousin lied to the restaurant by telling them it was my birthday, and therefore making me feel obligated to get a dessert. The restaurant was out of candles, so they wrote "Happy Birthday" in chocolate on the plate. My cousin fixed the candle problem by putting the tables oil lit candle on my plate and forcing me to blow it out. We then demanded the waiter to relight it. He did. I ate the cheesecake. I was too full and satisfied at this point to remember any further encounters at this fabulous restaurant.
Everyone should go here. It may be pricey to go multiple times, but at least go once. If you don't, you're an asshole.
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