Rincon del Sol
2350 Arapahoe Avenue
Andrew gives Rincon del Sol 2.5 chews out of 5.
Is this place even a Mexican restaurant? Isn't Rincon spelled with a "ó" not an "o?" Rincón means corner in English, but Rincon means rincon in English, which we all know means jack shit. The name might as well be in English, because the quality of this Mexican food is definitely translated into American as well. This place basically shouts, "one thumb up!"
I don't really remember any interaction with the wait staff, except for this one time when a lady took away our basket of chips and returned it nice and full. That was nice, because one of my friends is on a low budget and was only going to eat the free chips and salsa.
I had looked up the menu online before I arrived at the restaurant...$12.99 for my chosen dish, "Pollo Mole Poblano." When I got to the restaurant I opened the menu to make sure they still served it. They did, except they upped the price to $13.99. I was already set on Mole Poblano, which made me feel fucked out of a dollar. I love Mole Poblano. Or at least I thought I did. Maybe I only love the Mole Poblano that is actually categorized as "Mexican." According to the menu (which already robbed me of $1) the mole contains poblano peppers, apples, chocolate, and toasted pumpkin and sesame seeds. To me, the mole consisted of brown and salt.
Also, the menu told me that my brown salty chicken came with a side of beans, rice, and tortillas. I was perfectly fine with the rice and tortillas, but I have never felt so restricted by beans. In Mexico "beans" aren't limited to refried beans with a little melted cheese on top, but I guess at Rincon del Sol that is the only choice. Don't get me wrong, the beans they gave me tasted great in mere comparison to the mole. It's just...couldn't they write "refried beans" on the menu so they don't have to crush my hopes of having an alternate option?
After experiencing my first bite of chicken I wasn't very surprised when I finished everything on my plate, aside from the chicken. Having said that, when they gave me the option of boxing it up, I accepted (I'd rather have shitty left overs than no leftovers, especially after being one dollar more broke than I should be.) They brought me a box, and put it on the table. This pissed me off. I wanted them to put the food in the box for me. So they think they can pass their salty brown chicken dish as Pollo Mole Poblano, steal one of my prized dollars, limit my options regarding the beans, and expect me to box up my own food? Did they think I actually had the energy to even box it up myself after enduring their rendition of Mole Poblano? If they really wanted to earn the dollar that I felt I truly did not owe them, they could have at least boxed up my shitty chicken. Assholes.
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